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All metals are divided into ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Ferrous metals are metals and alloys the main component of which is iron. The classification of ferrous metals includes iron, steel and its alloys. Metals in general, and especially ferrous metals are of great importance in various constructions. Thousands of miles of railway track form an intricate network of steel over the world, helping to carry daily billions of freight for different industries. Machine tools and machinery, steamships and bridges, cutlery and razor blades are but a few of many products turned out by the steel industry. Non-ferrous are metals and alloys the main component of which is not iron but some other element such as copper, aluminum and others. Copper, aluminum and some other metals are referred to as non-ferrous metals. The properties of metals All metals can be easily known by their specific metallic lustre. Metals can be forged. Metals can be pulled. All metals, except mercury, are hard substances. Being fusible, metals can be melted. In general, metals are good conductors of electricity.


Ответ дал: twixcandy
Are all metals divided into non-ferrous metals?

What is a ferrous metal?
All metals, except mercury, are hard substances, aren’t they?

Metals can or not be pulled?
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