2 Choose the correct alternative.
1 A: 'Oh no! I've left my swimming goggles at
B: 'Don't worry. I'll lend / I'm going to lend
you mine if you like.'
2 Just look at those enormous black clouds
it's raining / it's going to rain soon.
3 I need to do more exercise, so when this
holiday finishes I've decided I'm going to join
/ I'm joining a gym.
4 I can't play basketball on Friday evening,
because I'll see / I'm seeing the doctor at 6.30.
5 A: 'Excuse me, our ball's just gone into your
B: "Has it? OK, I'll throw / I'm throwing it
back over to you in a minute.'


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11

1 I'll lend

2 it's going to rain

3 I'm going to join

4 I'm seeing

5 I'll throw

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