IV. Дополните письмо недостающими фразами, используя образец написания делового письма.


Dear Sirs,
We ... to open an account with you for the use of the manager of our firm, Mr. George Bush. Will you please make an appointment for this gentleman to visit the bank in order to complete the necessary formalities and provide specimens of his signature? This appointment ... be made directly with Mr. Wilson, who is already at the Westside address.
As soon as we hear from you we intend to open the account with a cash deposit of USD 5000.
Thank you very much.
John Brooks


Ответ дал: caleydasop


На первых 3 строчках напиши адрес свой или любой другой, но учитывая что это от отправителя

1. are going to


3. Best wishes, или Sincerely yours,


cride22: СПАСИБО!
cride22: Mr John Brooks
General Manager
Hoverny Ltd
4567 Snake street
Oakland, California
Dear Sirs, We are going to open an account with you for the use of the manager of our firm, Mr. George Bush. Will you please make an appointment for this gentleman to visit the bank in order to complete the necessary formalities and provide specimens of his signature?
Thank you very much.
Sincerely yours, John Brooks
cride22: так нормально?
caleydasop: Да
cride22: от души!
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