Это если что английский язык помогите пожалуйста очень срочно надо



Ответ дал: alexandra2132

To begin with, I'd like to say that I like watching cartoons, especially anime. I have watched recently the cartoon which is called "A Death Note".

A Death Note is a death notebook which can kill someone whose name and face is known. The main character of the book is Yagami Light. He was the best student of Japanese school. Light was a young friendly man. He was wearing a brown suit, a white shirt and a red tie. He died at the age of 25. He was killed by the god of death.

I like this cartoon character because he always thought about a creation of the new world. It is a really interesting cartoon and I'd recommend it to people who like Japanese anime.

bfhhdjdjx048563: Я не люблю аниме и мне этот ответ не помог
alexandra2132: Вы же не чистосердечное признание пишете. вам только сдать учителю! А мой ответ верный
alexandra2132: в таком случае виноваты вы! Надо было составить текст по-русски, а тут бы его перевели вам
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