Many members of the teaching profession hold strong views on
prompting in class. Really, those who prompt do a disservice to the
one they think they are helping.
Frankly speaking, as for me, I have always been against stern
measures (I mean giving a bad mark or something of the kind both
to the receiver and to the giver, or to either of them). Still I thought
I had had enough of that in my class and launched "a campaign"
against prompting taking up a different approach.
What would you do in this kind of situation?

caleydasop: Сколько слов надо?
jan1506: 5-6 предлож.


Ответ дал: caleydasop


I agree that strict measures are unacceptable. How can you give a bad mark for knowledge of the subject? I believe that you need to conduct a conversation during the inopportune time with the whole class about the dark side of prompting and about correct behavior. Everyone should show their respect for each other. And you can really help the student by explaining some material or finding out which aspect is unclear to him and figure it out together.It will be much more correct.


jan1506: помоги мне пожалуйста
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