Заполните пробелы, используя for или since.
1. Things have changed _____ I was a boy.
2. He has been underwater ____ thirty minutes.
3. They haven’t eaten anything ____ two days.
4. We haven’t spoken with each other___ the last committee meeting.
5. Nobody has come to see us ____ we bought a new dog.
6. She has been awake ____ a long time.
7. He has been Managing Director ___ 1990.
8. We’ve known each other ____ twenty years.
9. It has been wery cloudy ____ early morning.
10. We’ve been awake ____ five o’clock.


Ответ дал: Rrrrrrrrr1009

1. For

2. For

3. For

4. Since

5. Since.

6. For

7. Since

8. For

9. Since

Rrrrrrrrr1009: 10. Since
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