Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect или Present Perfect or the Past Indefinite tense.
1. This is my house. - How long you (to live) here? - I (to live) here since 1995.
2. He (to lose) his job two months ago since then he (to be) out of work. - Why he (to lose) his job? - He (to be) very rude to Mr Williams.
3. My daughter (not to start) to work yet. She’s still at High School. - How long she (to be) at school? - She (to be) at High School for three years; before that she (to spend) five years at Primary School in Blue Street.
4. I (to begin) to study English at Secondary School and (to do) it for five years. Then I (to drop) it for a couple of years and (to forget) most of it. Then I (to spend) three years at a Secretarial College, where I studied Business English, and for the last six months I (to study) English in London.
5. Hello, Nick! I (not to see) you for ages! Where you (to be)? - I (to be) to Sweden. I (to mean) to send you a postcard but I (not to have) your address with me. - Never mind. You (to have) a good time in Sweden? How long you (to be) there? - I (to be) there for two weeks. I only just (to get) back.


Ответ дал: nunny

The Present Perfect or the Past Indefinite tense.

1. This is my house. - How long have you (lived) here? - I (have lived) here since 1995.

2. He (lost) his job two months ago since then he (has been) out of work. - Why did he (lose) his job? - He (was) very rude to Mr Williams.

3. My daughter (has not started) to work yet. She’s still at High School. - How long has she (been) at school? - She (has been) at High School for three years; before that she (spent) five years at Primary School in Blue Street.

4. I (began) to study English at Secondary School and (have done) it for five years. Then I (dropped) it for a couple of years and (forgot) most of it. Then I (spent) three years at a Secretarial College, where I studied Business English, and for the last six months I (have studied) English in London.

5. Hello, Nick! I (have not seen) you for ages! Where have you (been)? - I (have  been) to Sweden. I (meant) to send you a postcard but I (did not have) your address with me. - Never mind. Did you (have) a good time in Sweden? How long were you there? - I (was) there for two weeks. I have only just (got) back.

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