Помогите пожалуйста,срочно!!!
Complete the sentences with the words from the box.(Только в отрицательной форме)
слова: islands, ancient, part, million, mean, continents, meant, lay, government, both.
1) There are six ... in the world.
2) There are more than 80 ... on the river Thames.
3) How many ... people live in London?
4) ... London Bridge and Tower Bridge are very famous.
5) The British ... works in London.
6) What did he ... when he said that? He ... that he was going to leave at seven.
Заранее спасибо)))


Ответ дал: wasjafeldman

1. There are six continents in the world.

2. There are more than 80 islands on the river Thames.

3. How many millions of people live in London?

4. Both London Bridge and Tower Bridge are very famous.

5. The British government works in London.

6. What did he mean when he said that? He meant that he was going to leave at seven.

В отрицательной форме:

1. There aren't six continents in the world.

2. There aren't more than 80 islands on the river Thames.

3. Нельзя переделать.

4. Neither London Bridge nor Tower Bridge are very famous.

5. The British government doesn't work in London.

6. Нельзя переделать.

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