give grammatically right form
1.​The boy told me that he … his train ticket and he didn’t know how where it was.​LOSE
2.​I can’t meet her tomorrow! – Ok, I … in touch with her instead of you.​​​GET
3.​Supposing we … to miss the train, how would we get home?​​​​BE
4.​When Alice … the dog crossing the street, she smiled and waved her hand.​​SEE
5.​When she thought that nobody …, she dropped it into her bag.​​​​WATCH
6.​If they attacks London, there … a massive panic.​​​​​BE
7.​I offered to pay for any damage they ….​​​​​​​CAUSE
8.​We … all the residents yesterday as the forest fires headed for the town.​ EVACUATE
9.​The … were investigating the scene of crime carefully, when we arrived.​ POLICEMAN
10.​Can you post this letter for …, please?​​​​​​​I
11.​I thought Jeremy’s … birthday would come as a surprise to him.​​ TWELVE
12.​Some people who … they were right could’t take other opinions in.​​ BELIEVE
13.​I hope the police … the government official guilty soon.​​​​FIND
14.​All the … studied yesterday are kept on his computer.​​​​ DATUM
15.​She wanted to jump off the … but she backed out the very last moment.​​CLIFF
16.​The American woman … the first lady to upload Instagram 2 billion times recently.​BECOME
17.​However, they … only five matches this season so far.​​​​​WIN
18.​He … that he is under threat of the terrorist’s attack since his childhood.​​BELIEVE
19.​I will stand here until he … me my money back.​​​​​​GIVE
20.​If he …, the President will sack him away.​​​​​ NOT RESIGN
21.​After an exam, he was pleased with …​​​​​​​HE
22.​We … to persuade him to have a break for ages.​​​​​TRY ​
23.​Alan Johnson … us for dinner! You know, the novelist.​​​​​JOIN
24.​When she is all by …, she can focus on some appropriate details of her life.​​SHE
25.​The locals washed … clothes in the river.​​​​​​THEY
26.​I found out that he ….this plate outside.​​​​​​BREAK
27.​He says that the sky … by the morning next Friday.​​​​​CLEAR
28.​Most of … stayed at home that day.​​​​​​​WE
29.​They … the votes right now and the results will ready tomorrow.​​​COUNT
30.​I hope they … him for his design.​​​​​​​AWARD


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