Task 1. Write the verbs in Present Simple.
1) Paul (use) _______ his mobile phone every day.
2) I (get up) _______ at 8 o'clock every day.
3) British people (drink) _______ a lot of tea.
4) My train (leave) _______ at 12.30, so I need to be at the station by 12.
5) The store (open) _______ at 9.30 in the morning.
6) Moscow (be) ________ the capital of Russia.
7) My father (speak) _______ 2 foreign languages.
8) We usually (play) ________ football but sometimes we (play) ________ basketball.
9) As a rule the bell (ring) _______ when the lesson is over.
10) My mother (be) _______ a doctor, she (leave) _______ home at nine o'clock.


Ответ дал: vika4741
1. Paul uses
2. I get up
3. British people drink
4. My train leaves
5. The store opens
6. Moscow is
7. My father speaks
8. We usually play, we play
9. As a rule the bell rings
10. My mother is, she leaves
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