ответить на вопросы; (I think (я думаю), I suppose (я считаю), of course (конечно)
1. Which is easier: English or Russian?
2. Which is warmer: autumn or summer?
3. Which is smaller: Europe or Asia?
4. Which is longer: the Thames or the Volga?
5. Which is co!der: January or February?
6. Which is bigger: Washington or New York?
7 Which is older: Moscow or St, Petersburg?
8. Which is faster: a plane or a ship?
9. Which is harder: iron or steel?
10.Which is cooler: spring or autumn?


Ответ дал: mapokacs64


1.For me, a good subject is literature. As we go through different works. We read various books, with different genres. And I like it.

2. For me there are no worse subjects. I like all the subjects, but the worst of them are not. Yes, I do not like a couple of topics, but it's tolerable.

больше не смог сорри

Ответ дал: yatikovka

Ответ: i suppose that russian, because it is my native language.

Of course summer, because it is the hottest season and the sun shines more.

Asia, it is the second small part of Eurasia.

February, it is the coldest month, and it is more severe, than january.

By plane, because it flyes in the sky with a faster speed.

Autumn, because it is the season which is before winter


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