Решите пожалуйста, очень надо
56b Circle the correct answer.
A: When (o do your exams start are your exams starting?
B: On Thursday. The first one's at nine o'clock.
A: And when (1) do they finish /are they finishing?
B: On the 17th. And then on the 19th, (2) I go /I'm going to Scotland with some
A: Lovely! (3) Do you get /Are you getting the train to Scotland?
B: No, the bus. It's cheaper than the train, but it takes longer. I think that
(4) the bus leaves /the bus is leaving here at seven thirty and (5) arrives/
is arriving in Glasgow at about half past five. (6) We stay / We're staying the
night in Glasgow and (7) we get /we're getting another bus to Inverness the
next morning. (8) We come /We're coming back on the 21st.
A: I hope you have a great time!



Ответ дал: lara4321


1) do they finish

2) I go

3) Do you get

4)the bus leaves

5) arrives

6) we stay

7) we get

8) we come

Ответ дал: bbbkkk5767


1) do they finish

2) I go

3) Do you get

4)the bus leaves

5) arrives

6) we stay

7) we get

8) we come

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