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Наверное, каждый когда-либо ощущал на себе воздействие природы. Ведь она непосредственно формирует наше настроение, мысли, эмоции. Недаром Б.С. Ямпольский поднимает важную проблему влияния природы на состояние человека. Он рассказывает о герое, переехавшем в новую квартиру. И первым, что он увидел на новом месте, был тополь. Герой как будто бы разговаривал с тополем, понимал его, а также испытывал от него особое воздействие. Рассматривая, как тополь «радовался жизни вовсю», он хотел «научиться у него этой постоянной радости на воле под небом». Однако после того как дерево спилили, герой перестал радоваться и вдохновляться. Вместо прекрасного тополя он теперь вынужден был постоянно соприкасаться взглядом со скучной стеной, вспоминая о лучших временах.


Ответ дал: DmitryShershnev


Probably everyone has ever felt the impact of nature. After all, it directly shapes our mood, thoughts, emotions. No wonder B.S. Yampolsky raises the important problem of the influence of nature on human condition. He talks about the hero who moved to a new apartment. And the first thing he saw in the new place was poplar. The hero seemed to be talking with a poplar, understand him, and also felt a special influence from him. Considering how the poplar “enjoyed life with might and main,” he wanted to “learn from him this constant joy in the wild under the sky.” However, after the tree was cut down, the hero ceased to rejoice and be inspired. Instead of the beautiful poplar, he was now forced to constantly touch his eyes with a boring wall, recalling better times.

dispol177: спасибо!
Ответ дал: 111lolek


Probably everyone has ever felt the impact of nature. After all, it directly forms our mood, thoughts, emotions. No wonder B. S. Yampolsky raises an important problem of the influence of nature on the human condition. It tells the story of a hero who moved into a new apartment. And the first thing he saw in the new place was a poplar tree. The hero seemed to be talking to the poplar, understood it, and also felt a special influence from it. Considering how poplar "rejoiced in life with might and main," he wanted to "learn from him this constant joy in the wild under the sky." However, after the tree was cut down, the hero ceased to rejoice and be inspired. Instead of the beautiful poplar, he was now forced to keep his eyes on the dull wall, remembering better times

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