помогите пожалуйста с домашним заданием по английскому языку переведите предложения на английский язык только только время по-английски!!!!
она принимает душ 8:10 она одевается в 8:20 . Она завтракает в 8:30 . Она чистить зубы в 8:40 . Она идёт в школу с друзьями в 8:45 . Она приходит домой в 4:00 она ужинает с родителями в 7:00. она убирается в комнате 7:30 она делает уроки в 8:00 . Она ложится спать в 9:00 .


Ответ дал: potekhina262005


She tooks shower at 8: 10 she dresses at 8: 20 . She has Breakfast at 8: 30 . She brush her teeth at 8: 40 . She goes to school with friends at 8: 45 . She comes home at 4: 00 she has dinner with her parents at 7: 00. she cleans the room at 7: 30 she does her homework at 8: 00 . She goes to bed at 9:00 .

Ответ дал: Яблоко675

She takes shower at ten minutes past eight in the morning. She dresses at twenty minutes past eight in the morning. She breakfasts at half past eight in the morning. She brush teeth at twenty minutes to nine in the morning. She goes in school with friends at fifteen minutes to nine in the morning. She come home at four o'clock in the afternoon. She dines with parents at seven o'clock in the evening. She cleaning in the room at half past seven in the evening. She doing homework at eight o'clock in the evening. She go to bed at nine o'clock in the evening.

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