Помогите пожалуйста Срочно тот кто сделает поставлю 5 звёздочек​



Ответ дал: iloveanime12332

In the morning:

Get up early

Have breakfast

Go to school

In the afternoon:

Have lunch

Do homework

Go to the gym

Play computer

Meet his friends

In the evening:

Have dinner

Watch tv

Go to bed

al5933139: спасибо
iloveanime12332: Пж, только посмотри еще обьяснение
Ответ дал: nasikananasik89


2) Kevin has breakfast in the morning.

3) Kevin goes to school in the morning

4) Kevin has lunch in the afternoon

5) Kevin does homework in the afternoon

6) Kevin goes to the gym in the afternoon

7) Kevin plays computer games in the afternoon

8) Kevin meets his friends in the afternoon

9) Kevin has dinner in the evening

10) Kevin watches TV in the evening

11) Kevin goes to bed in the evening

Вроде так, возможно что-то НЕ правильно

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