Английчани помогите!Нужно сложить на английськом рецепт блюда(ингредиенти,количество,способ приготовление)​


Ответ дал: zavyalovsasha

American scrambled eggs:

Ingredients for 2 people

4 Eggs  4 Tablespoons of milk

1 Knob of butter



2 Slices of sandwich bread

4 Slices of bacon


Break the eggs into a deep dish, add milk, salt and pepper and beat with a fork. According to the recipe heat a non-stick pan with the butter, add the beaten egg mixture and immediately start to mix with a wooden spoon.  Cook for about 4 minutes on low heat, the eggs should cook but remain soft. In a separate non-stick pan, toast the bread and then brown the bacon until it is crisp The scrambled eggs are ready, serve with the crispy bacon and the toast cut into triangles.

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