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Ответ дал: vlasashk8

1) Cash is a form of money that people need to buy stuff

2) A Clothes shop is a place where you can buy clothes

3) A customer is a person who is buying something

4) A online shop is a site where you can buy stuff online on your device with the internet

5) A second-hand shop is a place where I like to buy clothes, highly recommend

6) A checkout is a place in the shop where you need to pay for the stuff you picked

7) A credit card is a piece of plastic that allows you to take credit money to buy Gucci pants

8) A furniture shop is a place where people can buy a wardrobe, a bed and other related stuff

9) A salesperson is a person who wants to sell his garbage to you and make profit out of that

10) A security guard is a person who is most of the time doing nothing in the store but we have been told that we need them to be safe

11) A supermarket is my favorite place cause when I'm starving I can buy there my favorite food

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