срочно помогите!!!! долбаный английский​


MaryFairy211: английский - очень полезный язык. А что сделать-то надо? с чем помочь?
microniconin: надо перевести в коственую речь
microniconin: дз на оценку
microniconin: мама убьет за 2
microniconin: с КОФФИЦЕНТО 5


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

A Rabbit ran to a Crane and asked to make two teeth for him. The Rabbit said he had heard that the Crane was a good dentist.

The Crane was surprised and asked the Rabbit why he wanted new teeth when his teeth were healthy and good.

The Rabbit answered his teeth were too short. He added that he wanted two lion's teeth to fight with the Fox. He said he wanted the Fox to run away from him.

The Crane smiled and made two very big teeth. They were like real ones.

The Rabbit said they were wonderful , put them into his mouth and ran away to look for the Fox. But when he saw the Fox under a tree, he turned back and ran to the Crane's house as quickly as he could.  

The Rabbit asked the Crane to take those teeth back.

The Crane asked if the Rabbit didn't like them.

The Rabbit answered that they were good and there was nothing wrong with them, but they were just too small. He asked the Crane to find something bigger for him.

The Crane said no teeth would be any good. He decided to give the Rabbit a lion's heart.

microniconin: спасибо огромное
MaryFairy211: удачи!
microniconin: спасибо
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