Расставьте артикли a и the, где это необходимо
1. He went to ………… Spain last month.
2. When you go to …………. Spain, be sure to see …………. Madrid.
3. He works in ………… building on ………… corner of ………. Tenth Ave. and 62nd St.
4. ………… Tokyo is ………… largest city in ……….. World.
5. ………… traffic on ………… Jones Avenue is heavy.
6. ………… Miami is ………… center of ………… tobacco industry.
7. ……… Rio Grande River forms …………. boundary between …the……. U.S. and Mexico.
8. ………… rivers of …the………..eastern part of …………. United States flow toward …to………. East Coast.
9. …………. largest river in …………. America is …………. Mississippi.
10. …………. New York subway trains are very comfortable.
11. …………. climate of ……….. southern Florida is very nice all year.
12. …………. capital of …………. France is ………… Paris, but ………. capital of ………. England is London.
13. ………… Tenth Street has some very nice shops.
14. Some of …………. Tenth Street shops are very inexpensive, too.
15. ………….. President will be on ……….. TV tonight.


Ответ дал: 9055272702s


1. Не нужен

2. Не нужен/ Не нужен

3. a/ the/ the

4. Не нужен/ the/ the

5. Не нужен/ the

6. Не нужен/ the

7. The/ a/ the

8. Не нужен/ the/ the/ the

9. The/ не нужен/ The

10. Не нужен

11. the climate/ не нужен

12. The/ не нужен/ не нужен/ the/ не нужен

13. the

14. the

15. the/ the


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