вставьте правильно пропущенные слова в предложениях Relative pronouns and adverbs

1.Tom,……….is a monitor of the class, is also the captain of the football.

a. who b. which c. whom d. whose.

2.I saw the man……….owns that car walking towards the shop.

a. which b. whom c. who d. whose

3.My friend, …………aunt is nurse, would like to be a doctor someday.

a. who b. whom c. which d. whose

4.The dog, ………..tail I stepped on, bit me.

a. who b. whose c. which d. whom

5.Please give this to the beggar…………….is at the door.

a. who b. which c. whom d. whose

6.My father gave me the doll…………..I had been hoping for.

a. who b. which c. whom d. which

7.Budapest,……….is on the Danube, is a beautiful city.

a. where b whose c. when d. which

8.The boy…………father is in prison is my friend.

a. whom b. who c. whose d. which

9.Ann enjoys taking a walk at night, …………the streets are quiet.

a. when b. which c. that c. where.

10. She didn’t tell me the reason…………she divorced her husband.

a. when b. why c. what d. who.

11. He was the first man………………the burning house.

a. left b. to leave c. leave d. to left.

12. She is the most beautiful girl………….. I have ever met.

a. who b. that c. which d. whom.

13. This is the restaurant to ………….. we went last time.

a. which b. where c. when d. that

14. We must find a time………………we can meet and a place…………..we can talk.

a. when/ whom b. who/where c. whom/whose d. when/where.


Ответ дал: easymaker

1. Tom……….is a monitor of the class, is also the captain of the football.

a. who

2. I saw the man……….owns that car walking towards the shop.

c. who

3. My friend …………aunt is nurse, would like to be a doctor someday.

d. whose

4.The dog ………..tail I stepped on, bit me.

b. whose

5. Please give this to the beggar…………….is at the door.

a. who

6. My father gave me the doll…………..I had been hoping for.

b. which

7. Budapest……….is on the Danube, is a beautiful city.

d. which

8. The boy…………father is in prison is my friend.

c. whose

9. Ann enjoys taking a walk at night, …………the streets are quiet.

a. when

10. She didn’t tell me the reason…………she divorced her husband.

b. why

11. He was the first man………………the burning house.

c. leave

12. She is the most beautiful girl………….. I have ever met.

a. who

13. This is the restaurant to ………….. we went last time.

b. where

14. We must find a time………………we can meet and a place…………..we can talk.

d. when/where.    

desenia478: спасибо, это точно правильно
ValeraDavay: Здравствуйте. Помогите пожалуйста с английским: https://znanija.com/task/33491893
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