Переведите пожалуйста на английский язык (только без переводчика,там не правильно):
Спасение мальчика
Семилетний мальчик Боб упал в океан,когда он с семьей плавали на корабле.Боб не умел плавать.Роберт Смит быстро среагировал,прыгнул за мальчиком и спас его.Люди были восхищены смелостью и отварной парня.


Ответ дал: AG1980


Boy rescue

Seven-year-old boy Bob fell into the ocean when he and his family sailed on a ship. Bob did not know how to sail. Robert Smith quickly reacted, jumped after the boy and saved him. People were delighted with the courage and boiled guy.

Ответ дал: ALYAKAT
Boy rescue
Seven-year-old boy Bob fell into the ocean when he and his family sailed on a ship. Bob did not know how to sail. Robert Smith quickly reacted, jumped after the boy and saved him. People were delighted with the courage and the boiled guy.Удачи;)
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