Помогите пожалуйста составить маленький рассказ о том,как я помогаю дома.


Ответ дал: solomia42
Why I do this?Because...
I liked to vacuum myself, to rub the floor. It is not difficult, but nice that the room was getting fresh. I like it when my parents notice in the evening that the apartment is tidy. They praise me, but I'm not up for it. It is a pleasure for me to think together how we will spend the time that no longer needs to be devoted to harvesting.

I have a desire to learn how to cook as delicious as my mom and dad can. I like it when we get together in our kitchen together. I try to remember what parents do when they roast meat or bake pies. And recently I tried to cook on my own, I wanted to surprise them. Before my parents came, I made a salad, and they didn't expect it. The salad was delicious, my surprise was a success!
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