I live in a small village in the south of Ireland. There are much / a lot of old houses in the village, but there aren't many/much modern buildings. There are a few la little farms around the village. Everybody's got a car, so there is a little/much pollution, but much less than in the city There isn't 'many /much entertainment, but there's much /a lot of beautiful scenery and it's very peaceful. I love living here.​


Ответ дал: vistas2


1. A lot of

2. Many

3. A few

4. Much

5. Many

6.a lot of.

Ответ дал: AndreiValenya


1. a lot of 2. many 3. a few 4. much 5. many 6. a lot of


I live in a small village in the south of Ireland. There are a lot of old houses in the village, but there aren't many modern buildings. There are a few farms around the village. Everybody's got a car, so there is much pollution, but much less than in the city There isn't many entertainment, but there's a lot of beautiful scenery and it's very peaceful. I love living here.​

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