Помогите пожалуйста вставить глаголы s где нужно в стихотворении In London Zoo в учебнике Happy English.ru 3 класс часть 2

sivasivazidla: Сфоткая или напиши пж
pasharaket354: In a big busy city With its shops noise and cars, A kind father Hippo lives, With his two little sons. In the morning he swims, And they swim. In the evening he eats, And his sons eat with him. And he gives them a candy, And they say, “Thank you, Daddy!” And this very strange story is true, Because this hippo family lives in London Zoo.


Ответ дал: pasharaket354


In a big busy city With its shops noise and cars, A kind father Hippo lives, With his two little sons. In the morning he swims, And they swim. In the evening he eats, And his sons eat with him. And he gives them a candy, And they say, “Thank you, Daddy!” And this very strange story is true, Because this hippo family lives in London Zoo.


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