Переделайте предложения 1 Общий вопрос 2 Специальный вопрос 3 разделительный 4 альтернативный к предложениям He came home in the eveninng . She is a teacher . They can swim at home . We will dance tomorrow
Заранее спасибо)​


Ответ дал: Everest204



Предложение №1. 1) Did he come home in the evening? 2) When did he come home? 3) He came home in the evening, didn't he? 4) Did he come home in the evening or at night?

Предложение №2. 1) Is she a teacher? 2) What does she do? 3) She is a teacher, isn't she? 4) Is she a teacher or a student?

Предложение №3. 1) Can they swim at home? 2) What can they do at home? 3) They can swim at home, can't they? 4) Can they swim or run at home?

Предложение №4. 1) Will we dance tomorrow? 2) What will we do tomorrow? 3) We will dance tomorrow, won't we? 4) Will we dance tomorrow or next week?

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