Завершите предложения, используя правильную форму глагола в скобках.

1. Last week he (publish) an article in a magazine. And now he (write) a new one. Next week he (go) to have an interview.
2. I (work) in a bank but I (not enjoy) it very much.
3. I (to see) Ann in the park yesterday. She (to play) tennis.
4. I am afraid I (feel) bad today. I would like to go home and straight to bed.
5. Years ago he (be) very poor, and (not know) how to live. He (become) very rich now.
6. You ( telephone ) for ages ! You really (not finish ) ?- I ( not get )through yet. I am trying to get to our Paris office but the line ( be ) engaged all morning.
7. He (play ) the piano since six o clock in the morning. He only just (stop).
8. The police ( not find ) the burglar yet. They ( look ) for him since Saturday.
9. It ( stop ) raining and the sun is shining.
10. When I ( get ) to Jack s house the police (to be) there. Someone (steal) his car.


Ответ дал: nunny

1. Last week he (published) an article in a magazine. And now he (is writing) a new one. Next week he (is going) to have an interview.

2. I (work) in a bank but I (am not enjoying) it very much.

3. I (saw) Ann in the park yesterday. She (was playing) tennis.

4. I am afraid I (feel) bad today. I would like to go home and straight to bed.

5. Years ago he (was) very poor, and (did not know) how to live. He (has become) very rich now.

6. You (have been telephoning) for ages ! Haven't you really (finished)? - I (have not got) through yet. I am trying to get to our Paris office but the line has been) engaged all morning.

7. He (has been playing) the piano since six o clock in the morning. He has only just (stopped).

8. The police (have not found) the burglar yet. They (have been looking) for him since Saturday.

9. It (has stopped) raining and the sun is shining.

10. When I (got) to Jack's house the police (were) there. Someone (had stolen) his car.

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