Составить диалог про рок-концерт. есть шаблон,как можно написать(на картинке) Срочно. Прошу никакую фигню не писать,например:ахахах;ща напишу и.т.д​



Ответ дал: thevladikkbest

Davidson: - Jane, my dear, have you ever organized a concert?

Jane: - No, I haven’t.

Mrs. Davidson: - Well, you have got a lot to learn! Our school concert is tomorrow! Has Nick booked a band yet?

Jane: - Yes, he has. Singers are arriving at seven o’clock tomorrow.

Mrs. Davidson: - What band is it?

Jane: - This is our school rock band “Crazy tigers”. Have you seen them? They are very cool.

Mrs. Davidson: - Ok. Have you already sold all the tickets?

Jane: -Well, not yet, but I promise you that all tickets will be sold today.

Mrs. Davidson: - That’s great! Have you prepared the school hall?

Jane: - Yes, Mrs. Davidson. Look! We decorated it with bright ribbons and fairy lights.

Mrs. Davidson: - Oh, it’s decorated so nice. Good job! Ok, everyone, don’t forget about your report on what you’ve done for the concert! See you!



kokoym: спасибо
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