Помогите пожалуйста! Переведите на английский предлоги в скобках1. I'll meet you (в) airport. 2. They've sailed to the Pacific. They are probably (на) the Pacific now. 3. When I go to the cinema I prefer to sit (на) the front row. 4. Who is that woman (на) that photograph?5. Who is man standing (у) the door. 6. Don't sit (на) that armchair. It's broken. Sit (на) that chair. 7. Porstmouth is (на) the south coast of England. 8. Our house is (в) the end of the street. 9. There's a report of the football match (на) page 7 of the newspaper. 10. You'll find the sport results (на) the back page of the newspaper. 11. Turn left (у) the traffic lights. 12. I wouldn't like an office job. I couldn't spend the whole day sitting (за) a desk. 13. Bitterly tired he lay down _____ the sofa _____ his coat and fell asleep.   


Ответ дал: Adelada


1. in the

2. on

3. in the

4. on

5. by

6. on

7. in

8. by

9. on

10. on the

11. by

12. by

13. on, in


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