Combine the following pairs of sentences as in the
model. Define the type of the adverbial clause in the
sentences you’ve made up.
Model: 1) The ground is very dry. The plants are dying. – The ground is so
dry that the plants are dying.
2) My lawyer worked long hours. He wanted to finish the case by the
weekend. – My lawyer worked long hours so that to finish the case
by the weekend.
1. The researchers performed a successful experiment. They called the press
2. The toxic waste proposal was defeated. The proposers vowed to continue
fighting for it.
3. The prices on gas are very big. We’ll have to find some alternative sources
of energy to keep the households warm in winter.
4. Solar, wind and water energy are all renewable sources of energy. They have
a much lower impact on the environment and can help you save money.
5. I take a bag with me when I do shopping. I don’t have to use plastic carrier
6. I’ll need about 1500 plastic bottles. The building of the greenhouse could
take a while, but it’s a good way to recycle them.
7. I live on my own anyway. I don’t produce that much household refuse.
8. I tend to eat out or get a take-away most nights. I only go to the supermarket
9. My garden is quite small. I have a plastic tub which turns the waste into
compost without giving off any nasty smells.
10. She paid a lot of money for her electricity bill. She will have to cut on the
use of electric appliances at home.
11. There was much steam. We couldn’t see a thing.
12. The place looked a mess. I couldn’t invite anyone in.
13. I took a taxi. I could arrive on time.
14. Jack has got the flu. He is in bed.
15. I was in a hurry. I took a taxi.
16. I listen to the news in the morning. I know what’s happening in the world.
17. Tom goes jogging every day. He will stay fit.


Ответ дал: IHlebushek

1. The researchers performed a successful experiment so that they called the press


2. The toxic waste proposal was defeated so that the proposers vowed to continue

fighting for it.

3. The prices on gas are very big that we’ll have to find some alternative sources

4. Solar, wind and water energy are all renewable sources of energy so that they have

a much lower impact on the environment and can help you save money.

5. I take a bag with me when I do shopping so that I don’t have to use plastic carrier


6. I’ll need about 1500 plastic bottles so that the building of the greenhouse could

take a while, but it’s a good way to recycle them.

7. I live on my own anyway that don’t produce that much household refuse.

8. I tend to eat out or get a take-away most nights so that I only go to the supermarket


9. My garden is quite small that I have a plastic tub which turns the waste into

compost without giving off any nasty smells.

10. She paid a lot of money for her electricity bill that she will have to cut on the

use of electric appliances at home.

11. There was much steam that we couldn’t see a thing.

12. The place looked a mess that I couldn’t invite anyone in.

13. I took a taxi so that I could arrive on time.

14. Jack has got the flu so that he is in bed.

15. I was in a hurry that I took a taxi.

16. I listen to the news in the morning so that I know what’s happening in the world.

17. Tom goes jogging every day so that he will stay fit.

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