Помогите пожалуйста написать письмо Bella. Please write and tell me about schools in Moscow.What kinds of schools are there in Moscow? Is your school large? What is your favourite subject at school?


Ответ дал: TrinityKeller

Dear Bella,

Thanks for your latest letter! Sorry, I haven’t got in touch before, was busy with my History Project.

Well, you asked me about schools in your recent letter. So, there are some kinds of schools in Moscow. We have basic schools, Gymnasiums and Lyceums. I study in the basic school, it’s not so big. There are two floors and about twenty classes in my school. As for me, my favorite subject is English. I’m keen on learning new words and reading about English historical places in our book.

Oh, sorry, my Mom’s calling me, I should finish my letter. Looking forward to your answer!

Best wishes,
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