2. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в нужной форме
1. Sometimes Jesse and Kim (make) toothbrush holders for selling,
2. She (learn) two languages next year,
3. In his childhood Tom (want) to be a driver.
4. The day before at 9 friends (listen) to the opera
5. Don't trouble me! I (think) over my report
6. I'm sorry. I (not learn) the poem yet.
7. When Hilary visited Stephen, he (got) already well.
8. The Rogers (finish) building their new cottage before summer.
1. He often (give) a helping hand to his classmates.
2. Last Saturday the children (clean the park.
3. The day after tomorrow all the pupils (discuss) teenagers problems
4. Two years ago the family (move) to a new flat.
5. I'm sorry. I (write) my home composition now.
6. She (be) never to London.
7. By the end of the lesson yesterday they (do) all the tasks.
8. I think the parents (buy) a computer by the end of the month.​


Ответ дал: Mama6492

Ответ:1 are making

2. Has learned

3. Wanted

4. Were listening

5.am thinking

6. Have not learned

7.have already got

8.have finished

1. Gives

2. Were cleaning a park

3. Will discuss

4.has moved

5. Haven’t written

6. Has never been


8.will buy


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