найдите ошибки:
1) We are going to arrive in the Friday.
2) Yesterday they visit café near their house.
3) Do you have some boiled vegetables?
4) The pepper is filled at rice.
5) She work in shifts.
6) Does you like white wine?
7) What you do like to drink?
8) Can I take a carafe of wine?
9) We booked tickets on advance.
10) We are open with Monday till Friday.


Ответ дал: juliabeen8


1) on Friday

2) visited

3) any

4) with

5) works

6) Do

7) What do you like

8) a glass of wine

9) in advance

10) open from


Ответ дал: answeryourquestion



1)We are going to arrive in Friday.

2) Yesterday they visited café near their house

3) 3) Do you have any boiled vegetables?

4) The paper is filled with rice.

5)She works shifts.

6)Do you like white wine?

7) What do you like to drink?

8)Can I take a glass of wine?

9) We booked tickets in advance.

10) We open from Monday till Friday.


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