Помогите с решением английского языка, пожалуйста

Косвенная речь

Report each sentence.

1. “I hate both of them,” the boy said.

The boy said that …

2. Al’s mother said: “ Where did you get that hammer?”

Al’s mother asked…

3. “You may have the money,” said the woman.

The woman said that …

4. “It’s the only beautiful story I’ve ever heard,” said Cyril.

Cyril said that …

5. Eddie said : “You will lose your ticket, Alan.”

Eddie told Alan that …

6. “Oh, Michael,” said Jane, “she’ll never tell us if you talk like that.”

Jane told Michael that…

7. “Mary, do say what Andrew was saying to you,” said Jane.

Jane asked Mary ….

8. “ How is it that they’ve forgotten it all?” said John.

John asked …

9. “Who gave you, Annie, permission to give away my gingerbread?”she asked.

She asked Annie …

10. “Switch off the light,” she told him.

She asked him …

11. “Behave yourselves, please, till I come back,” said Mary to children.

Mary asked the children …

12. “ I want to go away for a holiday but I don’t know where to go,”said Kate.

Kate said that …

13. You can’t use your notebooks while writing the test.

The teacher told us …

14. May I ask you for a favour?

He asked …

15. You must be at ho

Mother told the children …

16. Will doctors be able to cure cancer in the future?

The patient asked …

17. We’ll have to work late tomorrow.

The salesgirl said …

18. You may stay home from school tomorrow.

The doctor told me …

19. You must all keep together.

The officer reminded the soldiers …

20. I can’t stay any longer.

He said …


Ответ дал: nad2506


1. The boy said that  he hated both of them.

2. Al’s mother asked where he had got that hammer.

3.  The woman said that I could have the money.

4. Cyril said that it was the only beautiful story she had ever heard.

5. Eddie told Alan that he would lose his ticket.

6. Jane told Michael that she would never tell them if he talked like that.

7.  Jane asked Mary to tell her what Andrew had been saying to her.

8.  John asked how it was that they had forgotten it all.

9.  She asked Annie who had given her permission to give away her gingerbread.

10. She asked him to switch off the light.

11.  Mary asked the children to behave themselves till she came back.

12. Kate said that she wanted to go away for a holiday but she didn't know where to go.

13.  The teacher told us that we couldn't use our notebooks while writing the test.

14.  He asked me for a favour.

15.  Mother told the children that they had to be at home.

16.  The patient asked if doctors would be able to cure cancer in the future.

17.  The salesgirl said that we would have to work late the next day.

18.The doctor told me that I could stay home from school tomorrow.

19.  The officer reminded the soldiers that they all had to keep together.

20.  He said that he couldn't stay any longer.


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