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Ответ дал: slyuda1955

French-style meat


0,5kg of beef(chicken fillet)


mayonnaise-150 g

Cheese-150-200 g

Salt, pepper


1 Slice meat into not very thick pieces

2 Chop meat pieces

3 Add some oil into the pan

4 Put chopped meat into the pan.

5 You need to salt and to pepper meat

6 Slice onions and put on the chopped meat.

7 Put some mayonnaise on the top of the pieces of meat.

8 And the last layer is grated cheese.

9 Put the pan in the hot oven and cook this dish 30-40 minutes.

Good appetite!!

wowa321: спасибо большое :)
slyuda1955: Пожалуйста)
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