
Put the verbs (to play, to take, to listen, to help, to get up) in the correct form.
1.His bother never _______ at 7 o’clock.
2.In the morning I _______ my dog for a walk.
3.We often _______ to pop music.
4.She always ______ her mother and father.
5.They sometimes ______ the guitar.


Ответ дал: zybay

Ответ:1. gets up 2.take 3.listen 4. helps 5.play

Объяснение: Для 1 и 4 т.к. третье лицо к глаголам прибавляется -s

Ответ дал: sunshine9514
1 gets up
2 take
3 listen
4 helps
5 play
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