Решите тест по английскому языку пожалуйста



Ответ дал: nunny

68. He didn't mind a) working late because he enjoyed it.

69. I read several books by this author. a) written;

70. (give) a chance I can't use it. b) Being given;

71. I (learn) the rhyme, Could you listen to me? b) have learnt;

72. Has the secretary come yet? I want to have my papers (type),; c) typed

73. I'm fond (читать) Jack London's books. c) of reading:

74. Something has happened to my TV - set. I can't make it; c) work;

75. d) living with a foreign family can be a good way to learn.

76. You can't a language just by studying a dictionary. b) learn;

77. If I (know) English, I (translate) the text myself. b) knew; f) would translate

78. I wish you (be) with me last summer. a) had been;

79. He wishes she (call) him last night. d) had called

80. It was necessary that he (take) measures immediately. a) took;

81. a) The tourists have already left for Moscow;

80. c) Yesterday it had been raining the whole day;

83. b) If you have time, we'll go for a walk;

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