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Change the following statements into the reported speech:

“I must go home to make dinner”, he said.


“They haven’t been waiting long”, said Julia.


“We visited her this morning” they said.


“We will tell them the news on Saturday”, she said.


“I like swimming, dancing and playing tennis”, he said.


“Jenny can’t speak any foreign languages”, said Marco.


“I will phone her today”, he said.


8. “Stephen is bringing some records to the party tomorrow”, she said.


9. “They didn’t come here three months ago”, he said.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………10. “Tomorrow at five o’clock I will be sitting on a train to Glasgow”, he said.


11. “I saw Maria at the supermarket yesterday”, said Carlos.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………12. “We have lived here for 5 years”, they said.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………13. “I am feeling tired now”, said David.


14. “We are going to be a bit late next Monday”, said their friends.


15. “The match will take place next week”, said they.


Ответ дал: conocedor


He said he must go home to make dinner.

Julia said that they hadn't been waiting long

They said they had visited her that morning

She said she would tell them the news on Saturday

He said he liked dancing.....(не меняется остальное)

Marco said that Jennie couldn't speak....

He said he would phone her that day.

She said that Stephen was bringing some records to the party the following day

He said that they hadnt come there three months before

He said the following day at 5 oclock he would be sitting on a train to Glasgow

Carlos said he had seen Maria at supermarket the previous day

They said they had lived there for 5 years

David said he was feeling tired then

Their friends said they were going to be a bit late on following Monday

They said the match would take place the following week

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