Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Alf and Sheila Frank (1) ________________ (love) travelling. Last year they
(2) ________________ (visit) seven countries. Nothing unusual about that maybe, but Alf and Sheila (3) ________________ (be) both 85 years old! And now they (4) ________________ (have) an idea for a really big trip. They (5) ________________ (live) in their house since they got married fifty years ago, but now they (6) ________________ (want) to sell the house and go to the USA and buy a camper van. ‘There are so many wonderful places we (7) ________________ (never go) to,’ says
Alf, ‘and now we (8) ________________ (plan) a road trip around North and Central America. What (9) ________________ their children ________________ (think) of their plans? ‘They worry about us,’ says Sheila, ‘but we always (10) ________________ (have) a good time!’


Ответ дал: zukirov74


  1. is love
  2. lf visit
  3. Be
  4. The have
  5. live
  6. is want
  7. to never go
  8. not plan
  9. is . think
  10. to have
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