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Ответ дал: nunny

2 Complete with will or be going to and the verbs in brackets.

1 Watch out! Nurlan (is going to kick) the ball!

2 Aidar believes that his brother (will become) an Olympic swimmer when he grows up.

3 Nurzhan (is going to play) football with his friends tomorrow.

4 I think I (shall gain) weight if I don't exercise regularly.

5 I'm sure Dilnaz (will win) the tennis tournament if she practises every day.

6 Be careful! You (will lose) the game if you play like that!

7 I (am going to go) swimming in the lake outside town tomorrow afternoon.

8 I'm sure aerial yoga (will be) relaxing.

9 Look! Inzhu (is going to score) a goal!

10 I (am going to watch) the rugby game with you tomorrow.

11 Aibek (is going to enter) the marathon this year.

12 I'm sure he (will come). He never misses football practice.

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