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Как говорится, век живи - век учись. И первое место, где мы начинаем учебу, это школа. Я люблю свою школу за возможность получать знания, общаться с друзьями и исследовать мир. Также я хотела бы рассказать о своей школе. Наша школа очень чистая и светлая. В ней два этажа и два крыла – для младшей и средней школы. У нас очень хорошие учителя, если тебе вдруг понадобится помощь, они всегда помогут. В нашей школе можно изучать разные направления разных наук, каждому найдется что-то своё. К сожалению или к счастью, у нас нет дополнительных занятий, так как основные занятия очень насыщенные. Но если тебя заинтересовал какой-нибудь предмет, ты можешь взять литературу и задания на дом, как это делаю я. В принципе, у нас обычная среднестатистическая школа, но я счастлива быть частью маленького мира.


Ответ дал: zorina245


As they say, centuries to live are centuries to learn. I am the first place we start learning, this is school. I love my school for the opportunity to learn, socialize with friends and explore the world. This is how I would like to talk about my school. Our school is very clean and bright. It has two floors and two wings - for junior and secondary schools. We have very good teachers, if you suddenly need help, they will always help. In our school it is possible to study different directions of different sciences, everyone will find something different. Unfortunately, or fortunately, we do not have additional classes, as the main classes are very busy. But if you are interested in a subject, you can take literature and assignments at home, as I do. In principle, we have a normal, average school, but I'm happy to be part of a small world.


Ответ дал: dobzlobz

as we say century live century learn first place where we start learning its school I like my school beacouse i can learn something here,i can talk with my frend and explore the world and i wanted to say about my school. Our school wery clean and bright.We have 2 floors And 2 departments for young students and for middle schoolers. We have wery good teachers if you need some help they will allways help you in our school you can learn diffrent sciences everywone will find something special for him but we have no additional lessons and thats sad beacouse our main classes are wery

saturated but if you interested in some lesson you can take books and homeworks how i doing but we have normal school but i happy that i part of small world.

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