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Moscow the capital of our motherland
Of all towns and cities in Russia, the largest and the most important is the hero city of Moscow the capital of our country.
The history of Moscow began in the year 1147, and since then the city has always been very important in the life of the whole country.
Moscow is not only the political centre. It is also the centre of the industrial and cultural life of Russia.
Moscow has thousands of factories. What they make is not used in the capital only. Different machines, cars,watches and very many other things go to all parts of the country.
There are a lot of libraries in Moscow. The state library, for example , is one of the biggest in the world. It has millions of books, magazines and newspapers.
The museums, art galleries, theaters and monuments make our capital a world cultural center. Every day thousands of people visit the memorial of the great patriotic war ,the pushkin museum of fine arts and the tretyakov gallery. And who has not heard of the bolshoi theate ? All people hope to visit it long before coming to Moscow.
Moscow is also a great transport centre. Trains and planes come to the capital every day from all parts of Russia and from other countries. Our capital is a port of five seas.
We are proud of Moscow.

Спасибо заранее!


Ответ дал: whatyoucallalove
Moscow is the capital of our motherland.

It is the largest and most important city in Russia.

Moscow is city hero.

It’s history began in 1147.

Moscow is the center of industrial and cultural life. In Moscow, thousands of factories. There are produce goods such as watches, cars and many others.

There are also many libraries in Moscow. The main library of the city is the State library. It is one of the largest in the world and has millions of books and newspapers.

There are a lot of museums, theaters and art galleries in Moscow. Every day thousands of people visit the Alexander Pushkin Museum of fine arts, the Tretyakov gallery and the Bolshoi theatre.

Moscow is also a transport center. Trains and planes arrive daily in the capital from all over Russia and from other countries.

Our capital is the port of the five seas.

We are proud of Moscow.
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