!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Помогите с английским пожалуйстаааааа!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!Нужно ответить на вопросы
1.Were they standing at the bus stop when we met them? - Yes,...........
2.Were the children sitting at their desks when the teacher came into the classroom? - No........
3.Was Mary cleaning the house when the telephone rang?-No.......
4.Were you doing your homework when I saw you yesterday?-Yes......
!!!Раскройте скобки в Past Simple/Past Continuous
1.I...........(walk)along the street when I.........(see) Mike
2.A lot of people ............(stand)near the shop when the police.........(arrive)
3.I...........(read)the book three days ago.
4.Yesterday at 5.30 she.......(play chess)


Ответ дал: akerke199716

1. Yes they were

2.no they weren't

3.no she wasn't

4.yes I was

1. Was walking /saw

2.were standing/arrived


4.was playing chess


Ответ дал: sunshine9514
1 Yes,they were
2 No,they weren’t
3 No,she wasn’t
4 Yes,you were

1was walking saw
2were standing arrived
3 read (э)
4was playing chess
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