Заполните пропуски: Словами "some, any, no, not"
1. There is ... bookcase in my bedroom. 2. I have ... English books
on my shelf. 3. Give me ... milk, please. 4. - Have you ... tents in your camp? - Yes, we have ... . 5. I have ... green ink, but i have ... red ink. 6. There is ... park in front of our house. 7 . - Are there ... farms near your city? - No, there are... . Словами "much, many, few, little, a few, a little": 1. There is ... ink in the ink-pot. 2. There are ... cups on the table. 3. I have ... pencils. Take one. 4. - Who has some ink? - I have ... . 5. Give me ... milk. 6. Mary has ... friends at the hospital. 7. Have I ... mistakes in my text? 8. We have ... pens.


Ответ дал: nunny

some, any, no, not

1. There is .no.. bookcase in my bedroom.

2. I have .some.. English books on my shelf.

3. Give me ..some. milk, please.

4. - Have you .any.. tents in your camp? - Yes, we have .some.. .

5. I have .some.. green ink, but i have .no.. red ink.

6. There is .no.. park in front of our house.

7 . - Are there ..any. farms near your city? - No, there are..not. .

much, many, few, little, a few, a little

1. There is .a little.. ink in the ink-pot.

2. There are .a few.. cups on the table.

3. I have ..many. pencils. Take one.

4. - Who has some ink? - I have .a little.. .

5. Give me .a little.. milk.

6. Mary has .many.. friends at the hospital.

7. Have I .any.. mistakes in my text?

8. We have .a few.. pens.

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