Срочно. 1-3 номер. 10 баллов


keupuyt: Надо все номера


Ответ дал: 0devo4ka0



1. 8:15 - he catches the eight-fifteen

2.12:30 at half past twelve John has lunch

3. 5:00 - he starts his part-time job at Nicole's Restaurant

4. 11:00 - He usually goes to bed at eleven o'clock


1. √

2. x

3. √

4. x

5. x


Marta Cooper from China. She went in Ukraine two years ago to study.

Every morning she wakes up at seven o'clock, and goes to school at eight o'clock with her mum. Usually Marta has lunch at twelve o'clock. After Marta ends her school day, he leaves school at past half tree. After a hard day Marta goes swim at pool at four o'clock. When Marta goes to home, he has do homework at half past six. At eight o'clock she eats, and goes to check her email at nine. Later she goes to sleep at ten o'clock.

keupuyt: Надо все номера
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