Complete senteneces with the correct option - will/going to/Pr.Cont.

1. - Have you got any plans for when you leave college?
- Yes, ___________(take) a year off.

2. - I can't decide what to do. - It's OK.
I _________(help) you.

3. - Is it true that Samira is leaving?
- Yeah, she _______(get) marrid next month.

4. - My company has offered me redundancy.
- ________(you/take) it?

5. - Did you enrole for evening classes?
- yes, ___________ (go) to my first class tonight.

6. - Look, my exams results are here! - Give me the envelope.
I __________(open) it.


Ответ дал: vvvveronicaaaa
1. I’m going to take
2. I’ll help you
3. She’s getting
4. Will you take it?
5. I’m going
6. I’ll open
Ответ дал: nunny

Complete senteneces with the correct option - will/going to/Pr.Cont.

1. - Have you got any plans for when you leave college? - Yes, (am taking) a year off.

2. - I can't decide what to do. - It's OK. I (will help) you.

3. - Is it true that Samira is leaving?

- Yeah, she (is getting) marrid next month.

4. - My company has offered me redundancy. - (Are you going to take) it?

5. - Did you enrole for evening classes? - yes, (am going) to my first class tonight.

6. - Look, my exams results are here! - Give me the envelope. I (will open) it.

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