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Образец-Maybe it'll be nice tomorrow.-If it is nice tomorrow, I'm going (I shall go) to the park.
1.Maybe it'll snow next week.2.Perhaps it'll be too late in an hour.3.Maybe the boss will have more time after lunch.4.Maybe it won't rain in the morning.5.Evidently everybody will leave at the end of the week.6.Maybe we'll have enough money some day7.I hope father will have some free time on Saturday.K.Maybe David won't come to class tomorrow.9.I think you'll be hungry after class.10.Maybe he'll win the contest.11.Maybe she will marry this fellow.12.Perhaps this doctor will help you.13.Maybe we'll be lucky.14.it looks like rain outside


Ответ дал: АндрейМорс
1.If it snow next week I wont go to school because the way will be too slipperly.
2.If you arrive at 12 a.m. it will be too late.
3.If the boss will have more time after lunch we will try to  tell him about our problem.
4.If it dry outside tomorrow morning I will go th school on foot.

АндрейМорс: 7.If father have enough time on Saturday I will go and play football with him.
АндрейМорс: 8.If David dont come to class tomorrow I will be stressed.
АндрейМорс: 9.If you are hungry after class,please call me.
АндрейМорс: 10.If he win the contest I will be realy proud of him!
АндрейМорс: 11.If she marry him,I will be happy of them.
АндрейМорс: 12.If doctor help you,I will say him thanks doc.
АндрейМорс: 13.If we are lucky,it will be nice reason for having a good night party.
АндрейМорс: 14.If it is rainy outside,we wont hang out.
АндрейМорс: Надеюсь помог,надеюсь так как надо.
Lidiya952011: Я тоже надеюсь)Спасибо!
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