Надо ли ставить "the" на месте пропусков?
1) ...... Russia is washed by ...... Arctic Ocean in ......... north
2) ........ Europe is a continent
3) ........ Black Sea is in ...... south of our country
4) ........ lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world
5)......... Washington is ........ capital of ........ United States of America
6) I want to go to ........... New York some day


Ответ дал: Demanaize

1)Russia is washed by the Arctic Ocean in the north

2)Europe is a continent.

3)The Black Sea is in the south of our country

4)Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.

5)Washington is the capital of the United States of America

6) I want to go to New York some day

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