Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Past Continuous (запишите полные предложения)

1. He the guitar when his mom came (play)
2. Martin his classmate homework when the teacher saw him (copy)
3. My sister when she came home from school (cry)
4. A bad boy a younger student after school (bully)
5. They dinner at home last night (have)
6. My mom the violin at nine last night (practice)
7. The students when the principal arrived (fight)
8. They their cell phones in class yesterday (ues)
9. He graffiti when the teacher saw him (spray)
10. Johe on the exam (cheat)


Ответ дал: aruzhanzhetpisbay15


1)he was playing giatar whenhis mum came.

2)martin was coping his classmate homework when the teacher saw him.

3)my sister was cring when she came home from school.

4)A bad boy was bulling a younger student after school.

5)they were having dinner at home last night .

6)my mom was practicing the violin at nine last night.

7)the students were fighting when the principal arrived .

8)they was uesing their cell phones in class yesterday.

9)he was spraing graffiti when the teacher saw him.

10)johe was cheating on the exam.

vastob1dthjybrf: Спасибо большое))))))))))))
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