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Ответ дал: nunny

34. He leaves 10 pound tips. D) Generous

35. He's got a memory like a sieve. A) Forgetful

36. You never know what he is going to do. D) Unpredictable

37. He can see beauty in a pile of rubbish. D) Imaginative

38. She lacks will-power. C) Weak-willed

39. She always does what she is told. A) Obedient

40. He wants to be even better and better. C) Ambitious

They all begin with Ex Find the correct variant

41. Waste fumes from a car. B) Exhaust

42. A very fast train. C) Express

43. Not usual, exceptional. C) Extreme

44. Blow up with a loud bang. A) Explode

45. To look at closely and carefully. D) Examine

46. Not to include something. B) Exclude

47. To cry out suddenly in surprise or strong emotion. B) Exclaim

48. A thing illustrating a general rule. A) Example

49. A reason given for doing something wrong. C) Excuse

50. To remove an object from somewhere. C) Extract

Look at the picture and answer the questions

51. What holiday is it? B) Christmas

52. What is there in the room to heat it when it's cold? C) A fireplace

53. What is hanging above it? B) Socks

54. What do the children hang them for? C) For presents

55. What is the child wearing? C) A night dress

56. How many candles are lit? B) Two

57. Where are the candles? B) On the mantelpiece

58. What is there in the upper right corner? B) A wreath

59. What is the puppy decorated with? D) A ribbon

60. What is the child doing with the puppy? A) kissing

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