ОЧЕНЬ ДОБРЫЙ И УМНЫЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК НЕ ПРОХОДИ МИМО ПОМОГИ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!что такое хорошее поведение в школе подготовке письменный доклад на английском


Ответ дал: juliatasley


Behaving well in school consists of many different things.

It includes learning and following the rules when in class: being on time, listening to your teacher, being quiet during the explanations, raising your hand when you want to speak, trying to avoid distractions such as a smartphone and focusing on the subject.

It is also important to be prepared for your day at school - try to be well-rested before you come to school, make sure you complete the homework and do some extra research.

Аноним: АААААА ты проста гений спасибо ,спасибо!!!!!
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